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  • End of the Road

    End of the Road

    After a decade of advocating for the developer community, the time has come to wind down the Developers Alliance. For some of you, this may come as a shock. As…

    Read more: End of the Road
  • Apps Alliance: FTC Consent Decree Doesn’t Go Far Enough – Calls on Congress to Pass Meaningful Legislation

    Apps Alliance: FTC Consent Decree Doesn’t Go Far Enough – Calls on Congress to Pass Meaningful Legislation

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has approved a final order approving agreed upon actions by MPHJ Technology Investments, LLC, and its law firm.  The FTC alleged that MPHJ used deceptive communications when threatening thousands of small businesses, innovative companies and individuals with frivolous allegations they were infringing MPHJ’s patent.

    Read more: Apps Alliance: FTC Consent Decree Doesn’t Go Far Enough – Calls on Congress to Pass Meaningful Legislation
  • 140 Startup Investors Call on Congress to Pass Broad Patent Reform

    140 Startup Investors Call on Congress to Pass Broad Patent Reform

    Washington, D.C.  – One hundred forty of America’s leading startup investors sent a letter today urging Congress to enact broad patent reform legislation. The letter – signed by early investors in companies like Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, Kickstarter, Redfin, and Instagram, and organized by Engine Advocacy and the App Developers Alliance – calls on Congress to support reforms that…

    Read more: 140 Startup Investors Call on Congress to Pass Broad Patent Reform
  • Do Kids Want to Code? Let’s Ask.

    Do Kids Want to Code? Let’s Ask.

    It’s easy to highlight all of the positive reasons why we should be teaching kids to code, but what about the kids themselves? Do they want to code? Do they feel like digital literacy is a relevant, worthwhile endeavor? 

    Read more: Do Kids Want to Code? Let’s Ask.
  • Apps Alliance Launches Troll Fighter Campaign for Patent Reform to Give Small Businesses and Innovators a Voice in DC

    Apps Alliance Launches Troll Fighter Campaign for Patent Reform to Give Small Businesses and Innovators a Voice in DC

    March 16, 2015 – The Application Developers Alliance has launched a multimedia and campaign in Washington D.C. and targeted states calling for comprehensive patent reform. The Troll Fighter campaign includes digital, print and Pandora advertising that features small business owners, innovators and app developers that have been targeted by patent trolls. 

    Read more: Apps Alliance Launches Troll Fighter Campaign for Patent Reform to Give Small Businesses and Innovators a Voice in DC
  • Turtles in Space: Beyond learning to code

    Turtles in Space: Beyond learning to code

    This guest blog post is part of the Application Developers Alliance “Developing for Good: Kids Who Code” campaign. In this article, I outline a goal to create an Open (in Creative commons) modelling system for education that ties Systems modelling to code within a specific context (in this case, space exploration).

    Read more: Turtles in Space: Beyond learning to code
  • Famigo on the Value of Coding Education

    Famigo on the Value of Coding Education

    “Mobile web is our Wild West; it’s our frontier,” says Matt McDonnell of Famigo. Today’s children are experiencing a very different Internet than the children of the last few decades. With the ongoing evolution of the Internet, having working knowledge of how devices function may help children be prepared for a more connected world.

    Read more: Famigo on the Value of Coding Education

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