What’s Up in Washington: US Policy News & Insights

Stay up on everything coming out of D.C. that affects developers and software companies. Whether it’s an anticipated privacy bill or the ongoing confusion of competition, we have the information you actually care about.

The Latest on US Policy

Going Global: Policy News That Impacts Us All

End of the Road

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Digital Markets Act: Unlocking the Potential of Interoperability for Developers and Consumers Recording

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Developers Alliance Joins Call for EU Policymakers to Swiftly Adopt the Extension of the Interim ePrivacy Derogation

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Developers Alliance’s Reaction to the Political Agreement on the New EU Law on Liability for Defective Products

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Developers Alliance files Amicus Brief to Argue that Algorithms are Protected by the First Amendment

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A Busy Regulatory End of the Year in Europe 

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With Holidays Approaching, Outlook for Dev Policies is Limited on Capitol Hill

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Alliance Files in the U.S. Supreme Court. Again.

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STEM Forward to the AI and Sustainability Age

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Open Source Liability is Coming

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Developers Alliance Joins Global Coalition Backing WTO’s E-commerce Initiative

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Developers Alliance Co-sign, Alongside Five Other Tech Industry Associations, a Joint Statement on the Latest Developments of the Negotiations on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act)

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