Developer Digest: The News You Need
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End of the Road
Read more: End of the RoadAfter a decade of advocating for the developer community, the time has come to wind down the Developers Alliance. For some of you, this may come as a shock. As…
Major Industry Groups Call For Guidance And Transition Period After Safe Harbour Ruling
Read more: Major Industry Groups Call For Guidance And Transition Period After Safe Harbour RulingThe Application Developers Alliance, together with more than 20 industry groups, sent a joint letter to European Commission President Juncker following the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) recent invalidation of the EU Safe Harbour Decision.
CalECPA Passes In California, but Congress Must Act, Too
Read more: CalECPA Passes In California, but Congress Must Act, TooApp developers and their industry partners earned a major victory last week when California passed S.B. 178 the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (CalECPA) into law. California becomes just one of three states to update its privacy laws to keep pace with dynamic and evolving technology.
Application Developers Alliance Board of Director Confirms Co-Founder and Acting President Jake Ward as New President and CEO
Read more: Application Developers Alliance Board of Director Confirms Co-Founder and Acting President Jake Ward as New President and CEOWashington, D.C. (October 8, 2015) – The Application Developers Alliance announced today that Jake Ward, an Alliance co-founder, was appointed President and CEO by the Board of Directors. Ward has served as Acting President since co-founder Jon Potter stepped down in September.
Recap: Austin App Strategy Workshop
Read more: Recap: Austin App Strategy WorkshopAs we returned to Austin for another packed App Strategy workshop—with more than 155 attendees (a majority of whom work for startups with fewer than 10 employees)—we thought to ourselves: What’s not to love about Austin, Texas? It’s a city with a world class music scene, amazing food, and an emerging tech scene that is tempting…
Guest Blog Post: Apptentive CEO Breaks Down 2015 App Marketing Channels
Read more: Guest Blog Post: Apptentive CEO Breaks Down 2015 App Marketing ChannelsThis post comes to the App Developer’s Alliance community from Robi Ganguly, CEO of Apptentive, and one of ADA’s board members.To many, the field of mobile app marketing is still shrouded in ambiguity. Even the best marketers, trained in various areas of social and web technologies, struggle to break through the clutter of the app…
EU’s Highest Court Puts Digital Small Business at Risk by Invalidating Data Protection Safe Harbour
Read more: EU’s Highest Court Puts Digital Small Business at Risk by Invalidating Data Protection Safe HarbourSmall digital businesses globally – including those based in Europe – have taken a hit today as the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that the EU/US 2000 Safe Harbour agreement is invalid. This decision, though it only directly impacts the parties to the case, calls into question the legality of any…