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End of the Road
Read more: End of the RoadAfter a decade of advocating for the developer community, the time has come to wind down the Developers Alliance. For some of you, this may come as a shock. As…
U.S. House Passes Judicial Redress Act, Senate Must Do the Same
Read more: U.S. House Passes Judicial Redress Act, Senate Must Do the SameThe House of Representatives moved one step closer to repairing America’s image abroad regarding data privacy, by passing H.R. 1428, the Judicial Redress Act, with broad, bipartisan support. The Alliance applauds the bipartisan leadership in the House that shepherded H.R. 1428 across the finish line, and urges the Senate to quickly do the same.
Safe Harbour update
Read more: Safe Harbour updateOn 6th October 2015 the CJEU invalidated the Safe Harbour agreement. This means that there is no longer a streamlined process for data flows across the Atlantic and each of the EU’s 28 Member State’s national Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) now have to evaluate individually if US companies match EU safety standards when dealing with…
EU Code Week 2015, Hundreds Of Events With One Goal: Coding, Coding, Coding
Read more: EU Code Week 2015, Hundreds Of Events With One Goal: Coding, Coding, CodingThe European Code Week, which happens every year, aims to raise awareness about the importance of digital skills in different sectors of everyday life. The 2015 edition lasted from October 11 to October 18. We focused on e-Skills for small businesses, Apps and IoT, and programming for students. Have a look at our events!
How To Program A Robot: The EU Code Week Workshop For Students
Read more: How To Program A Robot: The EU Code Week Workshop For StudentsThe Apps Alliance, Dwengo and Google organized the workshop “How To Program A Robot: The EU Code Week Workshop For Students”, which took place on October 15 at the Google offices in Brussels. The initiative was part of the EU Code Week 2015.
Apps Alliance Tech Policy Roundtable: eSkills for Small Businesses
Read more: Apps Alliance Tech Policy Roundtable: eSkills for Small BusinessesOn 15 October, the Apps Alliance organised a round table discussion on ‘eSkills for Small Businesses’ at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event was hosted by Amjad Bashir, MEP and a leader of the ECR working group for SMEs.
How To Programme A Robot: The Europe Code Week Workshop For Students
Read more: How To Programme A Robot: The Europe Code Week Workshop For StudentsThe Apps Alliance, Dwengo and Google organised the workshop “How To Programme A Robot: The EU Code Week Workshop For Students”, which took place on 15th October at the Google offices in Brussels. The initiative was part of the Europe Code Week 2015.