Developer Digest: The News You Need

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  • End of the Road

    End of the Road

    After a decade of advocating for the developer community, the time has come to wind down the Developers Alliance. For some of you, this may come as a shock. As…

    Read more: End of the Road
  • The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Why Own When You Can Share?

    The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Why Own When You Can Share?

    There are few areas growing as quickly and creating as many questions as the sharing economy.  The term appeared in our vernacular just a decade ago, but has transformed the way we catch a ride, find a place to stay, borrow tools, and more.  

    Read more: The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Why Own When You Can Share?
  • Apps Alliance at AppsWorld North America

    Apps Alliance at AppsWorld North America

    We were happy to once again attend AppsWorld North America this year. As a conference focused on highlighting the trends, challenges, and opportunities in today’s mobile app ecosystem, it was a great opportunity to gain insights and advice for our developer community. At this gathering of over 10,000 app industry professionals, we shot 24 videos focusing on…

    Read more: Apps Alliance at AppsWorld North America
  • Troll May Have Won Battle, but David Bloom Hopes to Win War

    Troll May Have Won Battle, but David Bloom Hopes to Win War

    In 2010, David Bloom founded Ordrx, an app that enables restaurants to share their menu and take orders from many apps and websites. Ordrx quickly attracted customers, investors and press. At its height, David employed eight people. Then his company was sued by a patent troll with an active practice of suing companies of all varieties. 

    Read more: Troll May Have Won Battle, but David Bloom Hopes to Win War
  • Infographic: The Basics of Deep Linking

    Infographic: The Basics of Deep Linking

    To help you understand how and why you should use deep links, we’ve teamed up with Branch Metrics to create an infographic, The Basics of Deep Linking. 

    Read more: Infographic: The Basics of Deep Linking
  • App Developers Alliance Calls for the House to Pass Patent Reform Bill

    App Developers Alliance Calls for the House to Pass Patent Reform Bill

    Washington, D.C. (June 11, 2015) –The Application Developers Alliance thanked the House Judiciary Committee for moving the Innovation Act (H.R. 9) a significant step closer to enactment today by passing it 24 -8.

    Read more: App Developers Alliance Calls for the House to Pass Patent Reform Bill
  • App Developers Alliance Calls for the Senate to Pass Patent Reform Bill

    App Developers Alliance Calls for the Senate to Pass Patent Reform Bill

    Washington, D.C. (June 4, 2015) – The App Developers Alliance Calls for the Senate to Pass Patent Reform Bill

    Read more: App Developers Alliance Calls for the Senate to Pass Patent Reform Bill

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