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End of the Road
Read more: End of the RoadAfter a decade of advocating for the developer community, the time has come to wind down the Developers Alliance. For some of you, this may come as a shock. As…
Guest Post: Patent Reform Helps Plaintiffs, Too
Read more: Guest Post: Patent Reform Helps Plaintiffs, TooAs the victim of a patent troll that ultimately cost me my small business, I am adamant about the need for patent reform. Most recently I wrote about the need for reform in the New York Business Journal. Afterward I received emails and messages from small inventors, concerned that reform will hinder their efforts to…
Beltway Voices: A Conversation With Representative Ted Lieu
Read more: Beltway Voices: A Conversation With Representative Ted LieuTwo years ago it was revealed that the National Security Agency had for some time been engaging in untargeted, bulk data collection of Americans’ communications. Since that time, consumers, developers, and Congress have all become more attuned to the idea of Internet privacy and data collection. Congress, in response, convened hearings to explore the idea of…
Beltway Voices: A Conversation With Chairman Will Hurd
Read more: Beltway Voices: A Conversation With Chairman Will HurdTwo years ago it was revealed that National Security Agency had for some time been engaging in untargeted, bulk data collection of Americans’ communications. Since that time, consumers, developers, and Congress have all become more attuned to the idea of Internet privacy and data collection. Congress, in response, convened hearings to explore the idea of…
Apps Alliance and Major Law Firm Help Small Business Escape Patent Lawsuit
Read more: Apps Alliance and Major Law Firm Help Small Business Escape Patent LawsuitWashington, D.C. (July 31, 2015) – When a patent assertion entity sued a small tech company, it likely anticipated an easy settlement and payoff—instead, with pro bono assistance from Dentons US LLP, the case was dismissed.
Raising Investment for Your App: London Meetup Recap
Read more: Raising Investment for Your App: London Meetup RecapThe Application Developers Alliance recently held its second London meetup, sharing tips on raising investment for apps. With 60 attendees, the discussion was led by Remco Smit of Pollen VC. Joining the panel for the evening were YC Ng, Partner at Potential VC, Xavier Louis, CPO of Peak and Corbyn Munnik, CEO at Sliide.
Limited Offer: Google Giving Away Patents to Startups and Developers
Read more: Limited Offer: Google Giving Away Patents to Startups and DevelopersIn an unprecedented move, Google is giving away patents to startups and developers across the globe. The Patent Starter Program is available to the first 50 eligible participants who fill out this form, so applicants are encouraged to apply immediately. Eligible startups or developers must have 2014 revenues between $500,000 and $20,000,000.