Developer Digest: The News You Need
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End of the Road
Read more: End of the RoadAfter a decade of advocating for the developer community, the time has come to wind down the Developers Alliance. For some of you, this may come as a shock. As…
Guest Post: Why Software Projects Fail
Read more: Guest Post: Why Software Projects FailSoftware development is exploding. As the world economy transforms to more digital modes of operation, the skill and competence to build custom applications is becoming table stakes in this innovation-centric world. At the same time, the volume, complexity, and importance of custom software has continued to escalate, placing an ever greater burden on software developers…
The IoT on focus
Read more: The IoT on focusThe Internet of Things is becoming the focus of many discussions in the European Institutions. Policy makers are responding by developing several initiatives focussing on different aspects. Following the outcomes of the 2013 public consultation, the European Commission designed a full range of actions aiming to fully deploy IoT within the Digital Agenda.
Representing developers in the implementation of the EU mHealth strategy:
Read more: Representing developers in the implementation of the EU mHealth strategy:As a follow up to the mHealth Green Paper consultation, the European Commission set up several industry-led Working Groups, focussing on privacy and security, and quality and reliability of mobile health apps. Specifically, the WGs aim at drafting Codes of Conduct regulating different aspects of the well-being and lifestyle apps ecosystem.
IoT Influencers Summit: The Business Case for the Internet of Things
Read more: IoT Influencers Summit: The Business Case for the Internet of ThingsThe producers of APPNATION and the Chief Digital Officer Global Forum launched the inaugural Internet of Things (IoT) Influencers Summit in July at Levi’s Stadium in Silicon Valley. As a champion for innovation in the IoT space, the Apps Alliance was honored to support the conference by hosting three sessions: Leveraging Data to Monetize Wearables and…
Mobile UX; tips from the experts: London Meetup recap
Read more: Mobile UX; tips from the experts: London Meetup recapThe Application Developers Alliance recently held our third London meetup, kicking off at Wework Devonshire Square to discuss user experience and creating apps that customers love to use.
All Politics Are Local: Apps Alliance and Rep. Ted Lieu Chat in Santa Monica
Read more: All Politics Are Local: Apps Alliance and Rep. Ted Lieu Chat in Santa MonicaTip O’Neill, the venerable Speaker of the House of Representatives for much of the 80s, used to remind legislators that decision making in Congress is really about those issues most important to their constituents back home. That is to say, once you leave the Congressional bubble and get “outside the beltway,” the issues that matter most…