Community directory: Corporate members committed to the cause.

From Google to Meta, our members help shape and direct our advocacy efforts, ensuring we’re working in the best interest of developers and the companies that depend on them.

We Create Real Change Working Together

The larger our community, the greater our impact. Representing more than 70,000 developers, we’re the world’s largest advocacy organization dedicated to the software workforce. As a member, you not only ensure your voice is heard, but you have the opportunity to influence our efforts, ensuring we’re always working in your best interests.

Whether it’s providing expert insights, sharing information through our online community, or meeting with lawmakers, when you’re part of the Alliance, you’re part of our effort to help those in charge create policy that benefits all developers.

Get Involved on a Personal Level

Our individual memberships are ideal for entrepreneurs, tech advocates and freelance developers who understand that policy impacts their future.

Committed Corporate Partners

As a corporate member, you help steer our priorities and ensure we advocate and direct policy in a way that’s beneficial to your organization and the developers you depend upon.

Browse Our Members

With dozens of corporate members from around the world, we bring together some of the brightest minds in the software industry. An array of organizations help us create diverse, thoughtful public policy agendas that benefit not only our members but society as a whole.

Meet Past and Current Sponsors Who Make Our Work Possible

Along with our corporate members, numerous sponsors provide support, allowing us to host events for developers and legislators around the world. Their generosity provides us with the resources needed to advocate on behalf of all developers and the companies that employ them.

Meet our developer:
Austin Webster, Founder & CEO of Deepr

What’s wrong with the American Innovation & Choice Online Act? The bill makes it harder for developers to compete by dismantling the app ecosystem they rely on to run their business.


Policy that impacts developers evolves rapidly – sometimes on the hour. We work to keep you up to date, so you don’t have to dig through piles of news sites and headlines to see what could affect your profession or organization.

End of the Road

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Digital Markets Act: Unlocking the Potential of Interoperability for Developers and Consumers Recording

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Developers Alliance Joins Call for EU Policymakers to Swiftly Adopt the Extension of the Interim ePrivacy Derogation

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Developers Alliance’s Reaction to the Political Agreement on the New EU Law on Liability for Defective Products

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Developers Alliance files Amicus Brief to Argue that Algorithms are Protected by the First Amendment

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A Busy Regulatory End of the Year in Europe 

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With Holidays Approaching, Outlook for Dev Policies is Limited on Capitol Hill

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Alliance Files in the U.S. Supreme Court. Again.

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STEM Forward to the AI and Sustainability Age

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Open Source Liability is Coming

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Developers Alliance Joins Global Coalition Backing WTO’s E-commerce Initiative

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Developers Alliance Co-sign, Alongside Five Other Tech Industry Associations, a Joint Statement on the Latest Developments of the Negotiations on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act)

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