World Summit AI Montreal 2023
The Developers Alliance is thrilled to participate in the World Summit AI event taking place in Montreal. Join our team for a one-hour workshop on Day 1, April 19th, 2023, from 3:10 pm to 4:10 pm. Bruce Gustafson, Alyssa Lefaivre Škopac, and Phil Dawson are the workshop participants, and they will be joined by Geoff...
ECIPE Webinar: The Economic Impacts of the Reform of the EU’s Product Liability Directive
Our EU Policy Director Karina Stan will participate in a webinar on the impact on technology-intensive businesses of the new EU Product Liability Directive, organized by the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) on May 25th.2023 Registration here.
Digital Markets Act: Unlocking the Potential of Interoperability for Developers and Consumers
Digital Markets Act: Unlocking the Potential of Interoperability for Developers and Consumers Date: January 25, 2024Time: 9:00 - 11:00 am CET Place: Press Club Brussels Europe & OnlineAddress: Rue Froissart...