Spotlight on Paris Report
April 2016 Survey Monthly Report

To better understand the state of Paris on the global tech scene today and perhaps its role tomorrow, we talked to over 450 Parisian technologists. The overwhelming consensus: Paris is tech community on the rise. This report looks at top companies, start-ups, and developer workforce, as well as the names to know to get things done and where you’re likely to find them.
Most importantly, we look at how Paris came to be a technology center in its own right and how that past success has laid the groundwork for a bright future.

Highlights from the report’s findings:
- 60% identify Paris as a telecom hub, even as digital infrastructure that telecom brought (and telecom leaders who are now investors) has enabled the growth of many other industries.
- The city’s center is the place to be, with top companies like Google and BlaBlaCar located in the 9th arrondissement and many start-ups (including “Silicon Sentier”) located in the neighboring 2nd arrondissement.
- Paris has a vibrant start-up scene, with over 50 different companies being mentioned by respondents as a hot start-up to keep an eye on. Despite this, the top places to work are dominated by global leaders like Google and Microsoft.

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The Developers Alliance is a non-profit global membership organization that supports developers as creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs. The Alliance promotes the continued growth of the industry and advocates on behalf of their members on public policy and industry issues. Membership includes a global network of more than 70,000 developers with diverse skills, expertise, and interests; and hundreds of companies that depend on and work with developers.