Enterprise Developers Report: Investment in Enterprise Developers is the Best Risk Management System
2016 January Monthly Report

This report explores what developers that work within companies are doing and what they need to succeed. Developers are a growing and increasingly essential workforce more deeply integrated into areas of business, operations, and product development than ever imagined.
Highlights from the report’s findings:
- Tracking Core Competencies: Only 50% of enterprise developers say that core competencies and the skill sets necessary for them to succeed are documented and discussed by their employers, and only 26% integrate them in the developers’ evaluation process.
- Building Securely: Only 64% of enterprise developers say that they are adequately trained to build software securely for their company. This number drops to only 59% at smaller firms.
- Managing Risk: Over 70% of enterprise developers that work at a firm with a CoE say security is a high priority. By comparison, only 28% at firms without a CoE say security is a high priority and 17% rate their company as having a low priority.

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The Developers Alliance is a non-profit global membership organization that supports developers as creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs. The Alliance promotes the continued growth of the industry and advocates on behalf of their members on public policy and industry issues. Membership includes a global network of more than 70,000 developers with diverse skills, expertise, and interests; and hundreds of companies that depend on and work with developers.