Mobile Developers & Publishers Have Overwhelmingly Positive View of Platforms
European Survey of 110 Mobile Publishers and Developers – November 2017
In response to the European Commission’s announcement of the intention to introduce new legislation to govern the relationship between platforms and businesses, the Developers Alliance conducted a survey of European-based developers and publishers to examine the need for such intervention. Over the course of several weeks in October 2017, we surveyed over 110 European-based developers and publishers on their experiences.
This survey builds upon the Developer Alliance’s previous research report in Fall 2016, Report on Competition in the Mobile App Ecosystem, and the follow-up in June 2017, The Mobile App Ecosystem Remains Stable and Competitive. Those reports detailed how publishers and developers find the mobile app economy competitive with a level playing field – a mature ecosystem facing the typical and predictable challenges that businesses in every industry face.
In an effort to gain a more robust understanding on the relationship between developers and platforms, we launched a survey tailored specifically to these attitudes and opinions, including complications developers have faced due to platforms.

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The Developers Alliance is a non-profit global membership organization that supports developers as creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs. The Alliance promotes the continued growth of the industry and advocates on behalf of their members on public policy and industry issues. Membership includes a global network of more than 70,000 developers with diverse skills, expertise, and interests; and hundreds of companies that depend on and work with developers.