Competition in the Mobile App Ecosystem Report
Global Survey of 673 Mobile App Publishers and Developers
The mobile app economy, and the ecosystem of stakeholders that support its growth and success, are the topic of discussion among policy makers around the world. To take the true measure of the mobile app market, the Developers Alliance asked hundreds of mobile app publishers and developers from around the world for their views on competition, opportunity, and the state of the industry.
Competition in the Mobile App Ecosystem answers those concerns through app developers’ own words, and delivers a definitive evaluation of a thriving industry, built on partnerships between platforms and publishers, driven by customer demand, and displaying the tell-tale signs of a healthy market, stability, access, growth, and steep competition.

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The Developers Alliance is a non-profit global membership organization that supports developers as creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs. The Alliance promotes the continued growth of the industry and advocates on behalf of their members on public policy and industry issues. Membership includes a global network of more than 70,000 developers with diverse skills, expertise, and interests; and hundreds of companies that depend on and work with developers.