Developers Alliance Releases Statement Criticizing The American Innovation and Choice Act

The developer advocate finds the AICOA will bring chaos and dire economic consequences. 

Washington D.C., October 22nd, 2021 – The Developers Alliance has released a statement addressing the American Innovation and Choice Act.

On October 14th, Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chairwoman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust, and Consumer Rights, and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced they will be introducing bipartisan legislation to “…establish commonsense rules of the road for dominant digital platforms…”

Developers Alliance Key Findings

  • The American Innovation and Choice Act will block digital innovation and create chaos for consumers

  • Millions of American software professionals will face upheaval, job loss, and restrictions on future opportunities

  • Government action that carelessly dismantles our most successful economic sector is a risk to national security and global economic competitiveness

Developers Alliance Statement

American prosperity is anchored in the embrace of new technology, innovation, and a pride in hard work and industry. It’s no accident that the world’s leading digital companies were founded in the U.S. They are emblematic of the American Dream. The ambition shown by these companies is why competing countries are moving aggressively to target our digital sector. What is surprising is that our elected representatives are not just passively watching, but are actively assisting to dismantle a thriving sector of the US economy that touches every American.

The digital economy is fundamentally about global scale and reach. The ability for a company founded in a garage to scale to hundreds of thousands of employees selling services in every corner of the world is a celebration of the entrepreneurial spirit. These companies should be allowed to compete globally like the many great American businesses that came before them, and reap the benefits of their success. The American Innovation and Choice Act destroys both choice and innovation by making it impossible for American companies to grow and compete. It will raise consumer prices, weaken security, decrease consumer choice, reduce the quality of services, and throw millions of hardworking Americans out of work or offline.

Software developers — many of which run small businesses themselves — will bear the brunt of the losses this act will trigger. Without market reach or the ability to scale, our innovators and entrepreneurs will be forced to charge more to survive inside government-defined markets. The elimination of thriving digital ecosystems will complicate software development and will force consumers to become their own IT department. Without the tools and services that today’s platform’s provide, fewer, more restricted, less compatible, and more costly apps will become the new consumer norm.

The AICOA seeks to dismantle both the good and the bad in the tech sector, and in so doing will radically change how Americans live online and off. It is far too revolutionary an idea to be left to Washington to debate on our behalf. If you make your living in the digital economy, now is the time to rise up and be heard, before it’s too late.


About The Developers Alliance

The Developers Alliance is the world’s leading advocate for software developers and the companies invested in their success. Alliance members include industry leaders in consumer, enterprise, industrial, and emerging software development, and a global network of more than 70,000 developers.

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