Developers Alliance Joins With Other Key Technology Associations To Support The Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework

Washington D.C., July 16th, 2021 – The Developers Alliance and eight other organizations have sent a letter to members of Congress signalling their support for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework.

Signatories include ACT | The App Association, Chamber of Progress, Computer and Communications Industry Association, Connected Commerce Council, Engine, Internet Association, Tech:NYC, the Software & Information Industry Association, and TechNet.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework makes critical investments in our economy, workers, students, families, and climate. While the U.S. currently leads the world in technological innovation, these investments will allow all Americans to benefit from advances in technology and help U.S. workers and businesses compete globally.

The letter can be found online here.

Investment in broadband and digital infrastructure is fundamental to the success of the developer workforce and the products they create,” stated Sarah Richard, Policy Counsel & Head of US Policy. “We welcome this critical investment as we believe it is a necessary step to ensure global competitiveness of American tech companies for a future generation.


About The Developers Alliance

The Developers Alliance is the world’s leading advocate for software developers and the companies invested in their success. Alliance members include industry leaders in consumer, enterprise, industrial, and emerging software development, and a global network of more than 70,000 developers.

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