Developers Alliance Joins Tech Associations in Calling for a Legal Basis for Voluntary Measures to Combat Child Sexual Abuse Online

Developers Alliance has joined a coalition of technology industry associations calling on policymakers to ensure that the Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse provides a robust legal basis for risk mitigation measures, including voluntary efforts.

The signatories recommend the following:

  • To broaden the risk mitigation efforts recognized by the proposal to account for voluntary efforts, including prevention work 
  • To maintain the possibility for providers to take into account relevant differences, including between content types and services, when selecting appropriate and proportionate mitigation measures 
  • To create an express legal basis for ICS providers to process communications data for the purposes of prevention, detection and reporting with appropriate safeguards 
  • To expressly authorize broader voluntary efforts to fight CSA for all providers within the scope of the Regulation.

The joint industry statement reflects the unified commitment of several associations with a diverse membership and active in the sector at European level to protect children online. 

The following quote can be attributed to Karina Stan, Director of EU Policy:

“The developer community will always support efforts for preventing and combating the distribution of the most abhorrent content on the internet – child sexual abuse material. We call on policymakers to uphold these efforts by providing a solid legal basis for voluntary actions to counter CSAM online.”


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The Developers Alliance is the world’s leading advocate for software developers and the companies invested in their success. Alliance members include industry leaders in consumer, enterprise, industrial, and emerging software development, and a global network of more than 75,000 developers.

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Heather Coull 
Head of Marketing and Communications

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By Karina Nimară

Director of EU Policy and Head of Brussels Office - Karina previously served as Legal Advisor and Internal Market attaché at the Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU. Prior to her work with the Romanian diplomatic mission, Karina spent ten years in European Union affairs within the Romanian Government. While there she coordinated, inter alia, the process for transposition and implementation of EU legislation. Karina holds a law degree and specializes in EU law and policies. Based in the Alliance’s Brussels office, she's a tech enthusiast, enjoying the dawn of the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Other than robots, she's fascinated with cats and owls.

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