5 events found.
Firebase Summit
Pier 57 57 Hudson River Greenway, New York, NY, United StatesAt this year's summit, you'll learn how Firebase can help you accelerate app development, run your app with confidence, and scale your business. Register for either the physical or virtual event below.
EU’s Digital Markets Act Seminar
Developers Alliance Office 1321 Upland Dr. PMB 19178, Houston, United States
The Digital Economy and the New Social Contract
Developers Alliance Office 1321 Upland Dr. PMB 19178, Houston, United States
The Center for Data Innovation Hosted the Panel “Eu’s AI Sandboxes: Testbeds or Sandbags?”
Panelists included Karina Stan from Developers Alliance.
Webinar on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Revised Product Liability Directive
Organized by the European Law Institute For a replay of the webinar click HERE