Apps Alliance Launches Workshops for App Startups


App Strategy Workshops in North America and Europe teach developers app business fundamentals

Washington, DC – The Application Developers Alliance released the dates and cities for this year’s multinational App Strategy Workshop: Fundamentals series. App Strategy Workshops gather mobile app developers, innovative startups, and small app publishers for educational sessions focused on business basics and strategy fundamentals. During each event, attendees learn from fellow startups, service providers, and industry experts on monetization, optimization, discoverability, and tool integration.

“Building a mobile app business is often much harder than building the app itself,” Apps Alliance Co-founder Jake Ward said. “Each App Strategy Workshop is an opportunity for the Alliance and our members to support the developer community of a city and to promote the success of the next generation of mobile app companies. This is a highly competitive business, but it’s a tight knit industry that celebrates innovation. Our goal, from Tel Aviv to Los Angeles, is to give more companies and more ideas a chance to be successful.”

The format of App Strategy Workshops varies by location, but often include panel discussions, a case study presentation, a fireside chat with top app publishers, a featured keynote, and a networking reception. Featured speakers for the 2015 App Strategy Workshops include innovative industry leaders like Ben Huh, CEO of the online media company The Cheezeburger Network, and Damien Patton, founder and CEO of Banjo.

“Starting a company or launching a new product is among the hardest things in the world to do,” Patton says. “Organizations like the Apps Alliance and events like these workshops give founders and entrepreneurs a chance to work together, to learn from one another, and—ideally—to succeed together.”

“As a company committed to innovation and meaningful solutions for app developers, AdColony is excited to participate in and sponsor the Apps Alliance App Strategy Workshop series. We’re eager to join other industry leaders in the efforts to help developers succeed,” says Nikao Yang, SVP Business Development, Monetization & Marketing at AdColony, North American Video Sponsor.

Additional speakers and workshop hosts will be announced as they become available.

The 2015 App Strategy Workshops include eight events in North America, six stops in Europe, and one event in Tel Aviv. Workshops are free for individual members of the App Alliance, with attendance ranging from 100 to 250 people.

North American App Strategy Workshops

  • Seattle, WA February 12

  • Los Angeles, CA March 26

  • San Francisco, CA May 7

  • Boston, MA June 24

  • Toronto, ON July 14

  • Denver, CO September 29

  • Austin, TX October 6

  • New York, NY November 5

European App Strategy Workshops

  • London, England March 26

  • Hamburg, Germany April 16

  • Paris, France May 28

  • Manchester, England June 25

  • Berlin, Germany September 24

  • Warsaw, Poland October 22

  • Tel Aviv, Israel November 25

Sponsors of the 2015 events include OpenX, Millennial Media, AdColony, CTIA, AppLovin, CIA Media, Progress Software, Pollen and AppsFlyer.

The Apps Alliance hosted 18 App Strategy Workshops in 2014: 15 in the United States and 3 in Europe, for more than 6,000 attendees.

The Application Developers Alliance hosts dozens of events and original programming each year to deliver educational materials and resources to developers. The Apps Alliance leverages the expertise of its more than 225 corporate members to create unique, valuable content on topics including business fundamentals, tool integration, market analysis, and policy issue advocacy.


The Application Developers Alliance is a non-profit global membership organization that supports developers as creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs. We promote industry growth and advocate on public policy and industry issues. The Apps Alliance, which now includes more than 200 corporate members and a 50,000-strong developer network, launched in January of 2012 and initiated European services in early 2014.  Membership includes app publishers, developer agencies, platforms, wireless carriers, hardware manufacturers, ad networks, enterprise tools and service providers.

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By Rachel Emeis

Contributing Author & Director, US Innovators Policy Council

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