Developers Alliance joined 12 other tech industry associations in calling the EU lawmakers to safeguard encryption and limit detection orders in the proposal for an EU Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse (CSA Regulation).
The joint statement points out 2 key issues that the EU co-legislators still need to address:
1. A real safeguard for encrypted communications.
The draft regulation fails to exclude end-to-end encrypted content from mandated scanning. There is no technological solution for compliance without compromising encryption. Encrypted services should be allowed to tackle child sexual abuse without accessing the content.
2. Detection orders should be the last resort and feasible.
The regulation should provide a framework for proactive voluntary measures for prevention and detection, while mandated targeted detection should be a last recourse. Compliance with detection orders raises technical difficulties and a risk of general monitoring, particularly in the case of previously unknown CSAM and grooming. The service providers under the obligation to comply with detection orders should be those who have the technical and operational ability to act.
The joint statement can be read here
The following quote can be attributed to Karina Stan, Director of EU Policy of the Developers Alliance:
“There is a clear risk of creating a general surveillance mechanism related to the CSA Regulation proposal. There is also a clear risk of mandated surveillance breaking end-to-end encrypted services, with an irremediable impact on encryption technology. The EU lawmakers should instead provide a proportionate and viable legal framework for tackling CSAM online, which should complement adequate measures offline. Technology is not a panacea, but certainly can serve for surveillance.”
About The Developers Alliance
The Developers Alliance is the world’s leading advocate for software developers and the companies invested in their success. Alliance members include industry leaders in consumer, enterprise, industrial, and emerging software development, and a global network of more than 75,000 developers.
Press Contact
Heather Coull
Head of Marketing and Communications