Developers Alliance Submits Comments To The Republic Of Korea Regarding Amendments To Telecommunications Business Act

The leading global developer advocate submits first comments to the Republic Of Korea highlighting the difficulties of the app-market-focused amendments to the TBA. 

Seoul, July  12th, 2021 – The Developers Alliance has sent a letter to Chairman Lee, Vice Chairman Jo, Vice Chairman Park, and Members of the National Assembly Science, ICT, Broadcasting and Communications Committee regarding the proposed amendments to the country’s Telecommunications Business Act.

In their comments, the Developers Alliance notes the amendments to the TBA is “…likely to discourage developers from creating or marketing their innovative products in Korea.” 

The organization notes two key issues to be addressed with the bill.

  • ….first, it underweights the fact that app stores are a business that, left underfunded, cannot deliver the services developers need.”

  • “Second, it overlooks the business reality that each additional app store deployment increases developer costs, complexity, and overhead.”

There is a global misunderstanding of app stores and who they serve,” stated Bruce Gustafson, Developers Alliance CEO and President. “Worse still, disruptive and damaging changes are being justified as “beneficial to developers”, when they actually only benefit a handful of large corporations. We urge policymakers, big tech, and billionaire developers alike to remember their actions threaten a beneficial ecosystem that millions of developers rely on for their success.

This is the first time the Developers Alliance has submitted comments to the Republic Of Korea. 

The submission can be read in English here. 

The submission can be read in Korean here.


About The Developers Alliance

The Developers Alliance is the world’s leading advocate for software developers and the companies invested in their success. Alliance members include industry leaders in consumer, enterprise, industrial, and emerging software development, and a global network of more than 70,000 developers.

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