Developers Alliance Joins With Coalition To Issue Joint Statement On IMCO Draft Report On DSA

The nine signees representing companies from across technology industries note the unintended ripple effects of the DSA. 

Brussels, June 22nd, 2021 – The Developers Alliance along with eight other technology associations have issued a joint statement in response to the recent draft report from Internal Market Committee (IMCO) rapporteur Christel Schaldemose MEP. In the statement, the organizations express concern that the draft’s measures go far beyond the European Commission’s proposal. 

“The report is filled with vague categorizations and overly burdensome requirements for companies (…)”

“The measures proposed include a stay down obligation for online marketplaces which will require online marketplaces to engage in general monitoring and diminish a key principle of the e-Commerce Directive.”

“We urge the European Parliament to reconsider the proposed measures that will upend the internet in Europe, stifle innovative new companies and introduce a raft of new regulations restricting platforms in a way that will only make them less appealing to users and create barriers to entry for others.”

“The Digital Services Act (DSA) will be a critical legal framework for all internet businesses in the EU. It is disappointing to see that the good basis proposed by the European Commission is crippled by the European Parliament,” stated Karina Stan, Director of EU Policy and Head of Brussels Office. “We call on EU lawmakers to find sound regulatory options that will provide the necessary legal clarity and certainty for preserving fundamental freedoms and supporting innovation and economic growth.”

Signees include Digital Future for Europe (DFfE), techUK, Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), European Internet Services Providers Association (EuroISPA), Digital Poland (ZIPSEE), Finnish Federation for Communications and Teleinformatics (FiCom), Allied for Startups, and The National Foundation of Young Managers – Romania. 

The letter can be found here.

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