Developers Alliance reaction to the statements of Bruno Le Maire, France’s Economy Minister on the relationship between developers and app stores

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

CONTACT: Michela Palladino –

BRUSSELS – Developers Alliance Director of European Policy and Government Relations, Michela Palladino, released the following reaction to the statements of Bruno Le Maire, France’s Economy Minister on the relationship between developers and app stores, such as Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

“Our research[i] shows that developers have, generally, an overwhelmingly positive attitude towards platforms and do not believe that they are exploiting them. A large majority (85%) of the developers we interviewed view online platforms, such as Google and Apple, as either partners who are crucial to their success (38%) or effective tools that enable growth (47%).”

 “Other studies we conducted in 2016[ii] and 2017[iii] found the mobile app ecosystem prosperous, predictable, stable, and competitive. The role of platforms is essential in guaranteeing a high level of stability and predictability that has minimized risk and increased opportunities for developers. Developers celebrate the access and opportunities platforms provide, while their feedback helps the industry reduce inefficiencies and improve over time.”

“While the developer community welcomes the support of the French government, it believes it would be better served by a focus on open markets and free flow of data.”


[i] In response to the European Commission’s intentions to regulate the relationship between platforms and businesses, the Developers Alliance carried out a survey of over 110 European-based developers and publishers to collect their experiences and gain a more robust understanding on the need for regulatory intervention. The full report is available here.

[ii] Competition in the Mobile App Ecosystem Report, September 2016

[iii] The Mobile App Ecosystem Remains Stable and Competitive – Research Report, June 2017

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