Industry associations reiterate concerns about consequences of upcoming fairness in platform-to-business relations regulation

Tueday, 13 March 2018

Contact: Michela Palladino –

BRUSSELS — Today a group of industry and startup associations, including the Developers Alliance, sent a letter to the European Commission on the forthcoming initiative on fairness in platform-to-business relations.

The letter reiterate the support of the objectives of the Digital Single Market strategy and its positive approach towards digital transformation in Europe. However the signatories encourage policy-makers to be cautious and careful with the choice of the right legislative measures to intervene in the fast developing online markets.

The Developers Alliance (and the others) are worried that, unless properly justified and evidenced by economic and market data, any platform regulation would negatively affect the whole online ecosystem, creating barriers for all kinds of online businesses and their users.

We believe that a problem-driven approach, enforcement of existing regulation as well as self- and co-regulation, when necessary, offer effective measures to address most of the concerns expressed by the Commission and are deeply convinced that horizontal regulation will not be effective.

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The Developers Alliance is the world’s leading advocate for software developers and the companies invested in their success. Alliance members include industry leaders in consumer, enterprise, industrial, and emerging software development, and a global network of more than 70,000 developers.

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