Developers Alliance Letter to Members of the European Parliament ahead of LIBE Committee vote

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Contact: Michela Palladino –

Developers Alliance Letter to Members of the European Parliament on the ePrivacy Regulation

BRUSSELS – This morning, the Developers Alliance issued the following letter to relevant Members of the European Parliament:

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

We are writing to you today as we are seriously concerned about the current direction of the discussion on the ePrivacy Regulation Proposal in the European Parliament. We are also worried about the speed at which the European Parliament has been trying to close this file, and fear that this haste is leading to a damaging outcome.

As it stands now, the text risks to seriously disrupt small businesses and software developers’ business models and market choices.

For this reason, we call on you to vote against the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee report on the proposed ePrivacy Regulation

We invite you to take all the necessary time to re-evaluate the dossier and realize that a more sustainable solution is possible. Such solution would take into account the practical implication both for businesses and consumers of the current text and would be aligned with the General Data Protection Regulation and the European Electronic Communications Code.

We are open to continuing the discussion with all involved parties in order to find a solution that supports digital innovation in Europe and creates a workable environment, based on consumers’ trust in the communications services they use.

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