Statement from the Application Developers Alliance on the Federal Communications Commission’s Proposed Privacy Regulations


Contact: Chris Grimm —


Statement from the Application Developers Alliance on the Federal Communications Commission’s Proposed Privacy Regulations


Washington, D.C. (July 11, 2016) – The following statement from the Application Developers Alliance President and CEO Jake Ward was released ahead of tomorrow’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hearings in the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, and the House Communications and Technology Subcommittee.

“Internet service providers and the developers who depend on them are thriving under the light-touch regulatory framework enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. The FCC’s proposal strays from this well established and successful privacy regime. Adding another cop to the privacy beat is unnecessary, confusing, and a surefire way to stifle innovation and drive up costs. In today’s digital ecosystem, ISPs already practice data’s golden rule: treat consumers’ data in the same manner they treat their company data.”


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The Application Developers Alliance is a non-profit global membership organization that supports developers as an essential workforce of creators, innovators, and as entrepreneurs. We promote software industry growth and advocate on behalf of our members on public policy and industry issues. The Alliance global membership includes the world’s leading technology companies, small businesses and startups, and a global developer network.


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By Rachel Emeis

Contributing Author & Director, US Innovators Policy Council

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