Application Developers Alliance Criticizes European Commission’s Statement of Objections Targeting the Android Operating System



Contact: Chris Grimm –


Application Developers Alliance Criticizes European Commission’s Statement of Objections Targeting the Android Operating System

“Google and its Android ecosystem have been and continue to be good for mobile app developers and publishers. Android is the foundation by which small businesses reach customers, hardware manufacturers build extraordinary low-cost products, and users know that their devices and apps will work as intended.  Android is the best, most egalitarian driver of the mobile device and applications market.

“It is confounding, then, that the European Commission would seek to destabilize the Android ecosystem to the detriment of developers and consumers. The Alliance is eager to work with the Commission on behalf of our members and our global developer network, including tens of thousands of European developers, to document the importance of maintaining the Android model that works so well for developers, consumers, and the competitive market.”


The Application Developers Alliance is a non-profit global membership organization that supports developers as an essential workforce of creators, innovators, and as entrepreneurs. We promote software industry growth and advocate on behalf of our members on public policy and industry issues. The Alliance global membership includes the world’s leading technology companies, small businesses and startups, and a global developer network.

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By Developers Alliance Staff

The Developers Alliance serves and supports the workforce that makes this better world possible. We are the world’s leading advocate for software developers and the companies invested in their success. Alliance members include industry leaders in consumer, enterprise, industrial, and emerging software, and a global network of more than 70,000 developers.

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