Global Developer Insights Survey: Help Shape the Future of the App Economy

In 2012, the Application Developers Alliance set out to be a resource and an advocate for developers. Today, we’ve amassed a global network of more than 50,000 developers and more than 200 companies that care about them. Our mission is to help developers of all kinds, everywhere. That’s why we’ve launched our Global Developer Insights survey.

In partnership with International Data Corporation (IDC), this survey will gather information from developers all over the world. Anybody who develops software (even just some of the time) can participate. With your help, we’ll build a better understanding of the opportunities and pain points for the developer community. 

With this survey, we want to learn more about the day-to-day responsibilities of developers, how a developer fits within their organization, the tools and services that power their work, and more about what it’s like to be a developer. With this information, we’ll be able to better inform new companies, technology partners, service providers, and you-the global developer community-about how to improve the app ecosystem. Most importantly, we at the Application Developers Alliance will be better able to serve you!

The results will be compiled into a comprehensive Developer Insights report and distributed to members in May 2015.

If you are a developer, please take part in our 15-minute survey, and help us learn more about the developer community.

If you are not a developer, please share the survey with your development team and network to help us gather as much insight as possible. 

Posted by:

Mike Schwartz

Director of Developer Relations

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By Rachel Emeis

Contributing Author & Director, US Innovators Policy Council

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