Source: European Commission
The Application Developers Alliance was one of the speakers in the mHealth Stakeholders’ meeting, held in Riga on May 12th 2015.
Martin Wrigley, the Alliance’s general manager participated in the panel together with Petra Wilson, International Diabetes Federation, Javier Ferrero Alvarez-Rementeria, Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality, Spain, Paul De Raeve, European Federation of Nurses Associations, moderated by George Crooks, Medical Director NHS 24.
Panelists and the audience discussed the long-awaited results of this Green Paper consultation, including topics such as privacy, security, patient safety, a clear legal framework and evidence of cost-effectiveness.
The meeting paved the way for the organisation of different industry Working Groups, aiming at drafting Codes of Conduct regulating different aspects of the well-being and lifestyle apps ecosystem.