Content, Privacy & Data Regulation
Protecting consumer privacy without inhibiting developers’ ability to innovate.
Shaping Effective Privacy Policy That Doesn’t Overstep
Consumer protection, specifically related to digital privacy and data regulation, continues to be a focus of policymakers worldwide. But we believe good intentions can have unexpected results. Unnecessarily burdensome standards for securing online communications and tracking confidentiality can have a horrendous impact on small businesses and software developers. We work with the tech industry and lawmakers to help them better understand this complex topic as they write new regulation.
The Latest on Privacy & Data Regulation
Event Recap: Assessing Asia’s Digital Future
Read more: Event Recap: Assessing Asia’s Digital FutureThe panel focused primarily on 5G, data localization, and how emerging technologies pose national security threats.
Can the EU and US Cooperate on Digital Rules?
Read more: Can the EU and US Cooperate on Digital Rules?The EU is racing ahead on privacy, AI, and competition rules for digital players. Developers in the EU and US will be the first to fall if the two sides go it alone.
The Real World takes on the Digital World
Read more: The Real World takes on the Digital WorldFor the longest time, digital citizens have escaped the two great real-world certainties: death and taxes. Digital life is eternal as long as the power flows and the backup tapes are safe. Taxes follow the flow of money; where there’s no money, there’s nothing for the taxman to grasp.
Tech industry calls for more ambitious data flow provisions in EU trade agreements
Read more: Tech industry calls for more ambitious data flow provisions in EU trade agreementsToday the Developers Alliance and CCIA Europe sent a letter to the European Parliament on the European Commission’s proposed “provisions on cross-border data flows and personal data protection in EU trade and investment agreements”.
Developers Alliance joins other stakeholders calling for caution and urgent consideration on the tackling of illegal content
Read more: Developers Alliance joins other stakeholders calling for caution and urgent consideration on the tackling of illegal contentToday a group of industry and civil society representatives sent a letter urging the European Commission to uphold its promise to continue dialogues and exchanges with stakeholders on how best to tackle illegal content online.
Data in the Fragmented Global Marketplace
Read more: Data in the Fragmented Global MarketplaceTech knows the future of business is digital, and that digital means global. Entrepreneurs and developers make concepts a reality, refine software, and launch new products all within the digital space. But what about when your customer base expands beyond your home country’s market, or your data enters the cloud? ill you even notice? How…
Good News: EU-US Privacy Shield gets European Commission’s green light
Read more: Good News: EU-US Privacy Shield gets European Commission’s green lightOn Wednesday 18 October, the European Commission published a report supporting the continuation of the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement and recommending some improvements. The report concludes the negotiations of the data-transfer deal’s inaugural annual review, which the Alliance previously covered here.
One Cloud Is Better Than Two
Read more: One Cloud Is Better Than TwoWhat the heck is Privacy Shield, and why should application and other software developers care? The answer, in part, is that developers everywhere are looking at a future where data is either free to flow or blocked at the border; circulating inside two completely disconnected clouds or in one. It’s important enough that policy heavyweights…
Statement from the Developers Alliance on the European Commission’s Midterm Review of the Digital Single Market Strategy
Read more: Statement from the Developers Alliance on the European Commission’s Midterm Review of the Digital Single Market StrategyFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Michela Palladino – BRUSSELS – Developers Alliance Director of European Policy and Government Relations, Michela Palladino, released the following statement regarding the European Commission’s Midterm Review of…
Developers Alliance Releases Global Competition Report
Read more: Developers Alliance Releases Global Competition ReportToday, the Application Developers Alliance released the result of a global survey of mobile app developers and publishers: Competition in the Mobile App Ecosystem. The report shows a healthy mobile app market and an industry that is concerned about being misrepresented and sees unnecessary intervention from external authorities.
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Our team of experts, from D.C. to Brussels, understands your nuanced needs. With a focus on digital markets, privacy and new technology, we strive to support industry growth by shaping effective policy worldwide.